Empowering Individuals to Achieve Holistic Well-Being by Reconnecting with Nature and their Own Energies through Plant Spirit Medicine
Within each one of us lies a wealth of vibrational information waiting to be ignited. Each one of us carries codes of transformation that can be shared via our interaction.
Relationships are gifts of Divine Realignment with your Soul. Let me journey with you and share my light and love.
Awaken to your truest Divine Self.
stay connected
Guide: Sharing Information is Loving the Divine in You, let's connect
Let's Stay Connected for the Sake of Love
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Keep a eye for personal reflections on my human journey with the spirit realm
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Have a burning question not answered here, send an email Laynah will answer as promptly as possible
Laynah's Divine Story

Welcome to the world of Laynah Helene Lafond, where creativity and passion come to life. Laynah is a visionary artist, dedicated to transforming everyday moments into extraordinary experiences. Illuminating the path of grace and ease with the use of imagination to transform one's life into magic.
With a unique blend of traditional techniques and innovative approaches, Laynah brings her imaginative visions to reality through a variety of mediums. Whether you are exploring her latest collections, seeking inspiration, or looking to collaborate, this website is your gateway to discovering the enchanting and captivating art of Laynah Helene Lafond.
Step into her universe and be prepared to be mesmerized by the beauty and depth of her creations.
Read the blog section
Praise and Testimonials

Thanks you, Laynah for your support today. Your light and gifts are needed in this world. What a beautiful heart you have. Your gifts and talents will change lives. You have impacted me today.
brenda b.

My heart is overflowing with love and gratitude for Laynah's ability to guide and hold space for the emergence of our Divinity. Many blessings and miracles are occuring as I open with trust and the assistance of powerful women like Laynah sharing her Light and Love. Thank you, thank you, thank you xoxo...
grace l.

Laynah has a very warm, mother like energy! She knew so much about me, after only talking for a couple minutes. I can’t wait to work with her and plant medicine to deeply understand the root of my fear.
kayla b.

Profound and magical I don’t know how else to acutely describe my experience. I am excited to be on this journey. Thank you being here and teaching your gift
madhu b.