Can you feel the change of the seasons coming around? Are you feeling more emotional than usual and wonder what the heck is going on? This is how my body tells me when I am coming into springtime. I feel more frustrated, experience less patience than usual and I feel the pressure to get out and move. I want to feel free and smell the fresh air. What does it feel like for you?

Let's journey with this current season and help you prepare your body for the smooth flow of your emotions and body.

"The mysterious powers of spring create extreme wind in heaven, and they create wood upon earth. Within the body they create muscles and of the 5 viscera they create the Liver. Of the colours they create the green colour... and they give to the human voice the ability to form a shouting sound. In times of excitement and change, they grant the capacity for control. Of the orifices they create the eyes, of the flavours they create the sour flavour; and of the emotions they create anger. The Gallbladder occupies the position of an important and upright official who excels through his decisions and judgement.... the Liver has the functions of a military leader who excels in his strategic planning “ Nei Ching

During the spring the Will of the winter is aroused and given direction, and a sense of purpose. The Wood phase of the Five Element Cycle is supported by the Liver which ensures a smooth, even flow of Qi and blood throughout the body and mind. Strong, smoothly flowing Liver energy can be encouraged during the Wood phase by permitting ourselves to express our anger appropriately as it arises (shouting in the forest, chopping wood, other suggestions?), as well as beginning those new projects, nutritionally cleansing, and spending more time outdoors!

The Wood element can be seen with trees, in wood paneling and furniture, wood carvings, or plants. Wood attributes are considered to be strength and flexibility. It is also associated with qualities of warmth, generosity, co-operation, idealism, and new beginnings of all kinds. The Wood element is one that always seeks to grow and expand. Wood heralds the beginning of life, springtime and buds, sensuality and fecundity. Wood needs moisture to thrive.

Wood is yang or masculine in character, the colour associated with Wood is brown or green. The corresponding direction is east, the climate is windy, and spring is the season for the Wood element.


The negative emotions associated with Wood are frustration, and anger, while the positive emotions are patience, altruism, self-assertion, motivation, the will to become, response-ability. Signs of Wood disharmony include irritability, depression, blame others, hostility, bitterness, vengefulness and vision problems. Indecisive, self-blame, guilt, powerlessness, lack of motivation, boredom, rash decisions are also signs of Wood imbalances.

Spring is a time of yin growing into yang. Like the Wood element of spring, wood itself in the Spring is wet from the hibernation of Winter’s snow, but drying out day by day with the increasing warmth and light of the sun. As the wood in the forests, so are we drying out, stretching our winter-bound muscles and planting the seeds of new projects that have surfaced from our deep Winter storage.

ORGAN: Liver (yin) 1-3pm

               Gallbladder (yang) 11pm-1am



SOUND: Shouting

EMOTION: Anger/Will to become

ODOUR: Rancid



FLUID: Tears


PLANET: Jupiter/Uranus

QUALITY: Decision making/Planning/Action


INDICATING BODY PART: Nails/Hands and Feet


SPIRIT: Ethereal Soul (Hun)


Wheat, peaches, fowl, sprouts, fruit & veggie juices, young spring greens, dandelions, chicory, escarole, endive, radiccio, brocoli rabe, chinese brocoli, olives, artichoke, bitter melon, nettles, basil, fennel, marjoram, rosemary, dill, bay leaf are all Wood nourishing foods. Begin to eat more raw foods and start to cook food for shorter times.

Sprouts and other "light" foods encourage quickness and outward movement of the Wood phase in general.

Doing a Liver Cleanse ANY time during the Spring is always a great idea! Our livers are just waiting for the abundance of dandelions blooming during this time.


Sprouts are very cooling, easily too cold. Digestion doesn't like being cold, but sprouts connect the liver and gallbladder, organs that are fairly often overheated. Wilting sprouts before eating helps the liver and gallbladder (and therefore blood pressure and emotions) "stay cool" without overcooling the digestive tract.

Rinse two hadfuls of mug beans sprouts. Add to a medium hot pan with enough oil to just coat the sprouts. Add sliced scalion, slivered fresh ginger, pinch of salt and a splash of rice wine. Cook until the alcohol is gone, the scallion softens and the sprouts are just wilting, about 3-5 minutesdepending on heat. Serve as side dish with any protein, grain, and other vegetables.

Eat 1 to 2 times daily for a week or more to enact a therapeutic change, or just occasionally for basic health. Andrew Sterman (Welcoming food, diet as medicine for home cooks and other healers)


Milkthistle - protects the liver, restores and renews liver cells, jaundice, cirrhosis and hepatitis. Exceptionally useful to limit the damage done to the liver by chemotherapy and speeds up recovery from side-effects once treatment is complete.

Nettles – blood purifier, high in chlorophyll, iron, vitamin C, trace minerals, diuretic, tonic, skin cleanser & liver tonic.

Dandelion root & leaf- greens are high in vitamin A; roots are a kidney & blood cleanser, liver cleanser & tonic, diuretic. Great for congested liver.

Sassafras bark- blood purifier, skin & joint cleanser, cleanses the whole system.

Burdock –bitter, diuretic, skin & blood purifier, great for liver and skin conditions.

Yellow Dock –blood cleanser, promotes bile flow, stimulates bowel & liver.

Simmer 1 tbsp. root/bark in 1 cup water for 15-20 min.

Steep 1 tsp. leave in 1 cup water for 10 min. Drink 3- 5 cups per day. Any and all of these herbs can be mixed together for a powerful spring tonic drink.


25 gr Milk thistle (Silybum marianum)

25 gr Dandelion Root (Taraxacum off. RAD)

Grind together and fill in 50 capsules adult size "00". Take 1-2 capsules before meals 3-4 times/day. Drink plenty of water to release toxins. Backup dosage if you experience headaches and increase bowel elimination.


Lavender: self expression, insomnia, nervous tension, palpitations, skin imbalances.

Bergamot: uplifting, relaxing, releasing, digestive stimulant, colic, urinary infections.

Chamomile: calmative, digestive stimulant, nourishes solar plexus, pms relief, clears heat.

Everlasting: unblocks emotions, colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies.

Grapefruit: lymphatic decongestant, astringent, cooling, cleansing, reviving.

Yarrow: diuretic, healing, protecting, flues, fever, urinary antiseptic.


6 drops Lavender oil
4 drops Bergamot oil
2 drops grapefruit oil in 1 ounce of carrier oil (Grapeseed, sweet almond)

Use in bath, diffuser, or as body oil.

No matter where you are in your wheel of life, I hope you enjoy every step of your journey. May spring birth in you a sense of joy, bliss and harmony. For every one day in nature, your body will receive energy to support it for one month. Go and enjoy the breeze in the trees singing you into peace and harmony within, hug trees to feel unconditional love and support, lay on the grass and look at the stars. Nothing in this world is worth giving up your own sovereignty and peace. PAUSE - BREATHE - LOVE

Looking for more support?

Did you know Laynah offers herbal consultations through Zoom?

Looking for additional support during the spring season?

An herbal consultation will help you understand if your liver is dry, cold and damp, hot and phlegmy or blood deficient. Please have a look at the services I offer and feel free to book directly if you would like to work together to bring your body, mind & spirit back into harmony. READ more about Phytotherapy HERE

Click here for a FREE 15 minutes consultation to explore what session might suit you best: 

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